
Enhancing Sample Transport Efficiency: iLogger Case

Getting samples from collection stations to the lab is crucial to ensure samples undergo analysis and patients receive their results. Sample transportation is a pre-analytical step that significantly contributes to mistakes affecting the tests' results. The sample environment changes while being transported, and mistakes occur.

Inadequate sample transport results in errors like these:

  • Sample is not well prepared for transport
  • Damaged samples
  • Inappropriate transportation temperature
  • Lack of knowledge of transport conditions
  • Sample not received at the lab

iLogger Case

It is an isothermal case designed to transport samples vertically secured in racks while recording the transport data throughout. The iLogger automatically monitors and records data on temperature, impacts and time in the case. It also has space to accommodate ice packs so that you can adapt the temperature inside the case to your desire.

Upon arrival at the lab, the indexor system will display a transport error pop-up with the information collected during transport, which enables easy inspection if all the parameters (previously selected by the lab) were respected. It shows the maximum and minimum temperature reached, impacts suffered, at what date/time the transport arrived at the destination, where it came from and if there are any missing samples.

In more detail, it is possible to see which samples were transported in the iLogger Case, and by clicking on a specific sample, you can get precise information about that sample.

Data Analytics

It’s a web-based dynamic dashboard report where all information about the transport process is available – including graphics covering sample transport logistics. The automatic reports facilitate sample quality control.