medical center in Greece

Fastest Sample Check-in

  • •1 Hospital Core Lab
  • 2 Outreach Collection Hubs
  • 9 technicians at sample reception
  • 16.000 – 20.000 samples daily
  • Samples were manually scanned one by one – many were left unassessed and unprocessed for the next day
  • Re-racking at the lab reception was a time-consuming task that negatively impacted traceability
  • No communication between the hub and spoke resulted in duplicated work, such as scanning all samples in both labs.
  • Challenges with processing the full daily workload due to the sheer volume of incoming samples.
  •  All delivered samples are checked in quickly through automatic sample reception and LIS check-in
  • Data is aligned and integrated that upon the arrival of samples from the other laboratory, there is no need for them to undergo another check-in process.
  • Re-rack no longer necessary – automated feed to the laboratory analysers – iRack integrated with GLP rackport
  • Continuous communication between lab and the spoke with seamless integration of traceability management.
  • Analytics Dashboard is constantly visible, enabling lab technicians to be informed about the influx of samples to the lab and effectively manage their time.