Communication difficulties between the Local Health Unit (ULS) and its units – core lab, spoke lab and external collection stations
Requirement for a well-structured and standardized process
No information available concerning the number of samples originating from each of the units of the ULS and about the transport conditions
Missing visibility about which staff took part in the samples’ pathway, leading to low accountability and thus more errors
Indexor Changes
Indexor mini units deployed at collection stations, which allowed automating data collection from the beginning – enhanced sample traceability
Over time, broadening the utilization of the indexor solution to additional collection stations has notably amplified the volume of sample data information – majority now being tracked using indexor.
Indexor enabled visibility into the individuals handling the samples before reaching the lab, revealing 183 distinct users.
And, even with this big number, it was very easy to keep a simple standardized process.
Sample transport from external collection stations is now monitored, which has improved confidence in the results and facilitated informed decision-making.
Sample traceability records per year
More samples monitored since 2020 at hospital services
Transport temperature variation
More users in a simple standardized process
Sample traceability records per year
More samples monitored since 2020 at hospital services