Automated recording of position when racking a sample
Scan and rack. Automated recording of position when racking a sample.
Scanning a sample and immediately placing in an iRack in an indexor automatically associates the sample identification with the sample position in the rack, recording this data in a database along with event timestamp, the rack name, the indexor equipment at use and, if available, the user ID.
Records of transport conditions
As soon as the iLogger detects an iRack was placed inside, it starts to record transport conditions into the iRack. Zero effort for transport conditions data. The iLogger Case monitors temperature, impacts and time.
Transport data is automatically collected in the iLogger and automatically downloaded to indexor.
Pop-up alerts at accessioning
When completing a transport, just place the iRack from the iLogger into indexor and a list of monitored controls is automatically shown. Zero effort to quickly assess for transport quality and decide if there are any actions to be taken.
Automatic sample check-in
Place the iRack into indexor and check-in at the LIS is done for all the samples at once.
Through the LIS integration, indexor automatically messages the LIS for sample delivery. No more scanning and multiple window opening and clicking.
Zero effort in prioritizing tests
Zero effort in prioritizing tests or groups of tests. Priorities are set up once and for all. Then indexor will show these pending tests ready for selection high up in the list. So that with one click all the samples for those priorities are quickly found first among all.
The power of blinking light
The power of light. The instant light guide blinks exactly right to where searched samples are in a rack.
When searching for one or more sample identifications, indexor instantly returns the known location of the sample. If the sample is in a iRack at the indexor, a LED light will blink close to the searched sample.
If the sample is stored in a rack that is not in indexor, it will return the rack name and the position of the sample in the rack, for easier finding in a sample storing area.