medical center in Portugal

Standardizing Processes in less than a year

  • 1 Hospital Core Lab
  • 1 Hospital Spoke Lab
  • 11 Internal Collection Stations
  • 3 Outreach Collection Stations
  • 1000 samples daily
  • Lack of sample traceability causes a lot of missing samples, damaging communication between the collection stations and the laboratory
  • Work integration between core and spoke labs prone to a lot of errors with a heavy step-wise process
  • Laboratory technicians had to manually search samples and check worklist
  • Collected samples were accommodated in common plastic bags and transported in non-isothermal cases
  • More automated data collection, enabling full sample traceability, tackles missing samples and promotes staff satisfaction thanks to better communication and the decrease in daily stress
  • Harmonized process between core and spoke labs due to a standardized operating procedure driven by automated data integration
  • With indexor, worklists are automated, and it is easier to locate a sample for pending tests and workflow management– more productive daily workflow
  • The monitoring from the sample collection until its arrival at the lab and post-analytic reports enable data-driven decisions that lead to improved efficiency
  • Transport is now made in iRacks (internal) or, in an isothermal case, iLogger (external collection stations)